Referenties lectorale rede Chiel van der Veen


  • Bakhtin, M.M. (1981). The dialogical imagination: Four essays. (C. Emerson & M. Holquist, Trans.). University of Texas Press.
  • Bouwer, R., van Braak, M., & van der Veen, C. (in press). Dialogic writing in the upper grades of primary school: How to support peer feedback conversations that promote meaningful revisions. Learning & Instruction.
  • Bouwer, R., & van der Veen, C. (2024). Write, talk, and rewrite: the effectiveness of a dialogic writing intervention in upper elementary education. Reading and Writing, 37, 1435-1456.
  • Cazden, C., Cope, B., Fairclough, N., Gee, J., Kalantzis, M., Kress, G., … & Nakata, M. (1996). A pedagogy of multiliteracies: Designing social futures. Harvard educational review, 66(1), 60-92.
  • CBS (2023). Armoede en sociale uitsluiting. Centraal Bureau voor de Statistiek.
  • Elffers, L. (2023). De grote (on)gelijkmaker: Onderwijs in een ongelijke samenleving [oratie]. Geraadpleegd van fc87-4f6b-8e3c-ba6bb713fc5e
  • ’t Gilde, J., & Volman, M. (2021). Finding and using students’ funds of knowledge and identity in superdiverse primary schools: a collaborative action research project. Cambridge Journal of Education, 51(6), 673-692.
  • Halliday, M. (1993). Towards a language-based theory of learning. Linguistics & Education, 5(2), 93-116.
  • Howe, C., & Abedin, M. (2013). Classroom dialogue: A systematic review across four decades of research. Cambridge Journal of Education, 43(3), 325-356.
  • Hymes, D. (1972). On communicative competence. In J.B. Pride & J. Holmes (Eds.), Sociolinguistics: selected readings (pp. 269-293). Penguin.
  • Kant, I. (1788). Kritik der praktischen Vernunft. Meiner.
  • Van Keulen, J., Venema, M., Boendermaker, C., Nortier, R., Bruggink, A., Broekhuizen, M., … & Pril, S. (2020). Inventarisatiestudie Stedelijke Taalaanpak Almere. Hogeschool Windesheim.
  • Kiemer, K., Gröschner, A., Pehmer, A. K., & Seidel, T. (2015). Effects of a classroom discourse intervention on teachers’ practice and students’ motivation to learn mathematics and science. Learning and Instruction, 35, 94-103.
  • Kloprogge, J. (2024, 4 juni). OAB toe aan groot onderhoud! Geraadpleegd van
  • McEwan, I. (2016). Notendop. Uitgeverij de Harmonie.
  • Meelissen, M. R. M., Maassen, N. A. M., Gubbels, J., van Langen, A. M. L., Valk, J., Dood, C., Derks, I., In ’t Zandt, M., & Wolbers, M. (2023). Resultaten PISA- 2022 in vogelvlucht. Universiteit Twente – 2023 https://doi. org/10.3990/1.9789036559461
  • Mercer, N. (2002). Words and minds: How we use language to think together. Routledge.
  • Moll, L., Amanti, C., Neff, D., & Gonzalez, N. (2006). Funds of knowledge for teaching: Using a qualitative approach to connect homes and classrooms. In Funds of knowledge (pp. 71-87). Routledge.
  • Moon, C., Lagercrantz, H., & Kuhl, P. K. (2013). Language experienced in utero affects vowel perception after birth: A two‐country study. Acta paediatrica, 102(2), 156-160.
  • Notten, N., & Wijs, F. de (2017). Een beeld van de laaggeletterde ouder: Een onderzoek naar achtergrondkenmerken, leesopvoeding en taalprestaties in laaggeletterde gezinnen. Stichting Lezen.
  • Nystrand, M., & Gamoran, A. (1991). Instructional discourse, student engagement, and literature achievement. Research in the Teaching of English, 25(3), 261-290.
  • Van Oers, B. (2003). Signatuur van ontwikkelingsgericht onderwijs. Zone. Tijdschrift voor Ontwikkelingsgericht Onderwijs, 2(3), 11-15.
  • Painter, C. (1999). Learning through language in early childhood. Continuum.
  • Van der Pluijm, M., van Gelderen, A., & Kessels, J. (2019). Activities and strategies for parents with less education to promote the oral language development of their children: A review of empirical interventions. School Community Journal, 29(1), 317-362.
  • Roefs, E. (2024). De waarde van werken in het onderwijs [openbare les]. Geraadpleegd van werken-in-grootstedelijke-onderwijscontext/openbare-les-edith-roefs/
  • De Ruyter, D., & Wolbert, L. (2020). Human flourishing as an aim of education. Oxford research encyclopedia of education.
  • Solnit, R. (2010). Hope in the dark: The untold history of people power. Canongate Books.
  • Stuhlman, M. W., & Pianta, R. C. (2009). Profiles of educational quality in first grade. The Elementary School Journal, 109(4), 323-342.
  • Tomasello, M. (2008). Origins of human communication. The MIT Press.
  • Van der Veen, C., de Mey, L., van Kruistum, C., & van Oers, B. (2017). The effect of productive classroom talk and metacommunication on young children’s oral communicative competence and subject matter knowledge: An intervention study in early childhood education. Learning and instruction, 48, 14-22.
  • Van der Veen, C., Dobber, M., & van Oers, B. (2018). Engaging children in dialogic classroom talk: Does it contribute to a dialogical self? In F. Meijers &. H. Hermans (Eds.), The dialogical self theory in education: A multicultural perspective (pp. 49-63). Springer.
    van der Veen, C., & van Oers, B. (2019). De Cultuurhistorische Onderwijspedagogiek als narratief: Een reflectie op 50 jaar theorie-gestuurde praktijkvernieuwing in het onderwijs. Pedagogiek, 39(3), 291-309.
  • Van der Veen, C., Michaels, S., Dobber, M., van Kruistum, C., & van Oers, B. (2021). Design, implementation, and evaluation of dialogic classroom talk in early childhood education. Learning, Culture and Social Interaction, 29, 100515.
  • Van der Veen, C. & Eegdeman, I. (2024). Kan het gebruik van data bijdragen aan meer kansengelijkheid? Ontwikkeling van de Almeerse Onderwijsmonitor. Geraadpleegd van
  • Vermeij, L., de Kluizenaar, Y., Reijnders, M., & Koenders, M. (2024). Koersen op de kwaliteit van de samenleving. Sociale en culturele ontwikkelingen 2024. Sociaal Cultureel Planbureau.
  • Vygotsky, L.S. (1987). Thinking and speech. In R.W. Rieber & J. Wollock (Eds.), The collected works of L.S. Vygotsky. Vol. 1: Problems of general psychology (pp. 39- 285). Plenum.
  • Wegerif, R., Mercer, N., & Dawes, L. (1999). Children’s talk and the development of reasoning in the classroom. British Educational Research Journal, 25(1), 95-111.
  • West, G., Lervåg, A., Snowling, M. J., Buchanan-Worster, E., Duta, M., & Hulme, C. (2022). Early language intervention improves behavioral adjustment in school: Evidence from a cluster randomized trial. Journal of School Psychology, 92, 334- 345.
  • Van der Wilt, F., van der Veen, C., van Kruistum, C., & van Oers, B. (2019). Why do children become rejected by their peers? A review of studies into the relationship between oral communicative competence and sociometric status in childhood. Educational psychology review, 31, 699-724.
  • Van der Wilt, F., Smits-van der Nat, M., & van der Veen, C. (2022). Shared Book
    Reading in Early Childhood Education: Effect of Two Approaches on Children’s Language Competence, Story Comprehension, and Causal Reasoning. Journal of Research in Childhood Education, 36(4), 592–610.
  • Van der Wilt, F., Bouwer, R., & van der Veen, C. (2022). Dialogic classroom talk in early childhood education: The effect on language skills and social competence. Learning and Instruction, 77, 101522.
  • Wittgenstein, L. (1953). Philosophische Untersuchungen. Blackwell.